
Connect Braintree to allow credit card payments directly on your SamCart checkout pages!

Braintree allows you to accept credit card payments directly on your SamCart checkout pages. It also supports all of SamCart's most advanced features like 1-Click Upsells, Subscriptions, Free Trials, Payment Plans, Subscription Saver, and more. Braintree is a trusted processor for high-volume sales, so it will continue to offer the service you need as your business grows! 

NOTE: If you currently use Stripe or, connecting Braintree will override those integrations to become your credit card processor. You can only connect one credit card processing account at a time to your marketplace.

Connecting Braintree to SamCart

You will begin the process of connecting Braintree inside your SamCart dashboard. 

First, access your Marketplace Settings by clicking the Settings tab in the left-hand marketplace navigation bar. Then click the Processors tab, and then the + Add New 

Choose Braintree and you will need to enter a few API Credentials from your Braintree dashboard. 

This chart will guide you through the process. Please note, there are credentials in two different modes in Braintree: production and sandbox mode. Be sure to use the Production Credentials to place live orders on your checkout pages! You will need Sandbox Credentials to place orders while in Test Mode.

1. Label your processor - this can be an identifier of your choosing! 

2. Merchant ID - this ID is located in the Control Panel of your Braintree dashboard, found by selecting Business and then going to the Merchant Accounts tab.

3. Public and Private Keys - these keys are located in the Control Panel of your Braintree dashboard under the API and Keys tabs. You may need to generate the credential if nothing shows in this table.

Braintree’s support documentation will help you locate these credentials in your dashboard if you run into any issues.

4. Sandbox Transactions (Optional) - enter these credentials to place test orders on your SamCart checkout pages. This is optional, however Test Mode is not compatible without the Sandbox credentials.

5. Press Submit when all credentials are filled out! 

Braintree will now appear on the dashboard with an "Active" badge and will be ready to process payments! 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: I am following the process, but Braintree is not connecting. What can I do? 

A: Confirm that the API keys are from Production and that they are correctly pasted into the fields. If the issue persists, please reach out to to continue to troubleshoot.

Q: When are payments deposited into my bank account?

A: Braintree manages the payout process and has more information here.

Q: How do I get in touch with Braintree?

A: If you have any questions for Braintree, click over to their Support page and reach out.

Q: Are digital payments such as ApplePay supported by Braintree?

A: Not yet! This could change in the feature, so keep an eye out for announcements! 

Q: If I cancel my SamCart account, will my subscriptions continue to charge?

A: Your customer charges for recurring and limited subscriptions would stop right away upon the cancellation of your SamCart account.

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