Note: this article contains videos that utilize a previous navigation bar design. Most functions have remained unchanged, but you can always reference this guide which covers the update and differences.
After You Connect With Stripe, Connect With a PayPal Account.
After you connect with a Stripe account, you have the option to also connect with a PayPal account.
While we do recommend using Stripe primarily, PayPal can be used without Stripe.
This integration is not mandatory. Offering PayPal to your customers is completely up to you!
Integrate Your SamCart Account With PayPal
From your SamCart Dashboard, select the Settings icon at the bottom left corner of your screen.

Select the Processors (1) tab at the top. Then, click on the Add New (2) button.
In the pop-up window, select which Payment Processor you would like to integrate with.
When you select PayPal, you will see the following pop-up.
Give this connection a name in the Label your processor field, and then enter your PayPal API credentials in the API Username, API Password, and API Signature fields. Click the Submit button, and you're done! You will see PayPal as a connected payment processor in your Processors.
If you need help locating your API credentials, read on for more information! The first step is logging into PayPal - you can log into PayPal however your normally would, but you can also access the PayPal login page directly within the setup process by clicking the "Click Here to log in to PayPal" link in the PayPal connection popup window.
NOTE: Not all PayPal accounts look exactly the same. If accessing the API credentials on your PayPal account looks different from screenshots below, please contact PayPal for assistance with locating these API credentials.
- From your PayPal dashboard, click on Account Settings from the dropdown menu in the top right corner:
- On the next page, click the Update button next to API access.
- Here you will see several API access options. Select the NVP/SOAP API Integration (Classic) option.
- Clicking this option will bring up your PayPal API credentials! If you have not generated your API credentials in the past, you may see a button asking you to generate your API credentials. Just click that button, then you will see your API credentials here:
NOTE: If you are still having trouble getting your PayPal API credentials, please follow this guide from PayPal that will walk you through how to get this information from within your PayPal account. You can also reach out to PayPal Support for assistance!
Now that you have your API credentials, you are ready to enter them into SamCart! Copy / Paste your API credentials from PayPal into the popup window that appears when you click to connect with PayPal.
Advanced Features With PayPal
SamCart has a “one-of-a-kind” integration with PayPal, and it opens up a whole new set of features for anyone with a PayPal account.
With this integration, your customers can go through 1-Click Upsell Funnels, purchase subscription products, purchase free and paid trail products, and more while paying you with PayPal.
This is the first time this has ever been possible with PayPal, and we’re extremely excited to allow SamCart users the ability to offer PayPal without limiting the features you love.
Reference Transactions
Note: this article contains videos that utilize a previous navigation bar design. Most functions have remained unchanged, but you can always reference this guide which covers the update and differences.
In order to accept PayPal payments for SamCart products with recurring charges of any kind or send customers through 1-click upsells, you will need “Reference Transactions” enabled inside of your PayPal account.
“Reference Transactions” is an optional PayPal feature that allow you to offer PayPal for more than just products with a single, one-time charge.
If reference transactions are enabled, then you will be able to offer PayPal as a payment option with SamCart features like…
- 1-Click Upsell Funnels
- Subscription Products
- Free Trial & Paid Trial Products
Do I Have Reference Transactions?
To find out whether your PayPal account has Reference Transactions enabled, visit your Payment Processor Integrations area.
Scroll over your PayPal integration. At the top of the PayPal processor, you will see a message that either says "Subscriptions/Upsells Disabled" or "Subscriptions/Upsells Enabled" - If you do not see "Subscriptions/Upsells Enabled" you will need to contact PayPal to enable reference transactions.
If you do not have Reference Transactions, PayPal will only be available for one time charge products. Any products with a subscription or recurring billing of any kind will not display PayPal as a payment option.
To have SamCart ping PayPal and check for Reference Transactions again, click on the small "refresh" icon:
If PayPal has enable reference transactions for you, after refreshing you should see "Subscriptions/Upsells Enabled" on the PayPal processor!
Turning On Reference Transactions
To get Reference Transactions turned on for your PayPal account, get in touch with PayPal and request for this feature to be enabled inside of your account.
You can call PayPal's support at 1 (888) 221-1161 (ask for business support). You can also submit a Merchant Technical Support ticket here.
After PayPal confirms they have activated Reference Transactions, then come back to SamCart and click on the small “Refresh” icon again.
SamCart will check your PayPal account again, and see if Reference Transactions are enabled.
Please keep in mind, we do not own PayPal. We do not have any power to make PayPal turn on this feature for your account. PayPal guidelines vary from country to country, and we cannot guarantee that PayPal will enable this feature for you.
PayPal Business Account
SamCart’s integration only works for PayPal Business Accounts.
There are several types of PayPal Business accounts; some are free, some are paid. Below are some quick instructions to help you identify if your PayPal account is a PayPal Business Account.
When you log in to PayPal, you should see "Business Tools" as an option within your account. PayPal accounts that are not a business account will not have this option.

Additionally, if you have a business account then you should see a "Business Profile" with business information under your "Account Settings."
How to Get a PayPal Business Account
If you do not have a PayPal Business Account, you can upgrade for free.
Log in to your PayPal Personal account, and find the button that says “Upgrade to a Business Account.” Here’s a quick screenshot to show where this button might be found in your account:
After you have a PayPal Business Account, you will need three pieces of information to complete your integration:
- API Username
- API Password
- API Signature.
All three of these credentials can be obtained by logging into your PayPal account and visiting this link. Be sure to select the “Request API Signature” option, not the “Request API Certificate” option.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I get in touch with PayPal?
A: If you have any questions specifically for PayPal, use their Contact Us page and reach out directly. You can also submit a Merchant Technical Support ticket at or call 1 (888) 221-1161 and ask for business support.
Q: Can I accept credit card payments with PayPal?
A: No. You must integrate with a Stripe account to accept credit card payments on SamCart. It’s super easy to setup, and we highly recommend having a Stripe account connected to SamCart.
Q: What happens if I sell subscriptions, but I don’t have “Reference Transactions” enabled on my PayPal account?
A: PayPal will not appear as an option on the checkout page for any subscription products until “Reference Transactions” are enabled. This is true for even if you have a One Time Payment option available on the checkout page.
This is just another reason we strongly suggest connecting a Stripe account to SamCart, so you have the ability to accept credit card payments while you work with PayPal to turn on "Reference Transactions".
Q: What happens to my upsells if a customer buys with PayPal, but I don’t have “Reference Transactions” enabled on my PayPal account?
A: PayPal customers will skip your upsell funnel. Customers will place an order with PayPal, and go straight to whatever Thank You Page you have selected.
Q: Does this integration work with “PayPal Payments Pro”?
A: Yes! This integration works with any and all types of PayPal Business Accounts.
Q: Are there any limitations to refunds when using PayPal?
A: PayPal refunds can only be issued within 180 days of purchase.
Q: If I cancel my SamCart account, will my subscriptions continue to charge?
A: Your customer charges for recurring and limited subscriptions would stop right away upon the cancellation of your SamCart account.
Q: Can I run a test order using PayPal?
A: No, you cannot. If you would like to test the purchase process for PayPal, they can do so in "Live Mode" by creating a specific testing coupon for the product so you can test the process for free! Alternatively, you can run a Test order if you have SamPay or Stripe also connected as a Payment Processor but you cannot select PayPal as your choice of payment when doing a Test order.