Cover your bases when customers agree to your terms before ever placing their order.
Add your Terms & Conditions to your SamCart Checkout pages to ensure your customers agree before placing their order. With SamCart, you have the option to present your Terms as a required checkbox that customers must click before placing their order, or as a hyperlink that is available for customers who want to learn more.
Follow these directions to add Terms & Conditions links to your Express or Embed page.
- Go to your Products tab and select any product (or make a new one!)
- Click on the Share tab and select either Express or Embed.

- On the right-hand-side you will then need to Override Branding Theme by toggling that Setting
- Near the bottom, you will find the Terms & Conditions section where you can add your own Terms & Conditions URL
Once you add it - click Save Changes! It will then appear on your Express or Embed page like this:
You can also add Terms & Conditions to your Sales Page. Follow these directions to add Terms & Conditions links to your Sales page.
- To do this you will need to go to the Sales Page tab.
- Click on the Share tab and select Sales Page.
- On the right-hand-side you will find the Edit in Builder button - select that!
- Now that you are inside the Content Builder, go to the Settings tab and then Checkout Form.
- Scroll down to Terms & Conditions to toggle on the Terms & Conditions Checkbox. Simply paste a link to your Terms & Conditions in the Terms & Conditions URL box
Here's a SamCart checkout page with the Terms & Conditions turned on - your customers won't be able to place an order until the checkbox is clicked:
If you would rather have your Terms & Conditions appear as a link with no checkbox, simply enter a link to your Terms & Conditions in the Terms & Conditions URL box and toggle the checkbox back to Off.
Here's a SamCart checkout page with the Terms & Conditions Checkbox turned off.
You can see detailed information about whether a customer agreed to your Terms when placing their order by visiting the Orders tab.
Open any order, then look at the Additional Information section. You will then see where the Terms & Conditions Details are!
This area displays all the information SamCart records about this order and your Terms & Conditions.
- The Terms & Conditions URL displayed at checkout
- Whether the Terms & Conditions box was checked
- The Customer's IP Address
This information is also available when you export from your Orders table.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What happens when someone clicks on the Terms & Conditions link on the checkout page?
A: The URL you entered will open in a new tab.
Q: Can I have a different Terms & Conditions link for each product?
A: Absolutely! Many SamCart users will close a deal with a new client by creating a new product specifically for that client, linking the Terms & Conditions to that client's service contract, and collecting payment while simultaneously agreeing on the contract.
Q: Where do I create my Terms & Conditions page?
A: We recommend having your own Terms & Conditions page, published on an external website. SamCart cannot help you create a Terms & Conditions page, and we highly recommend you consult with a legal professional when creating your own terms.
Q: Can I change what the Terms and Conditions checkbox says?
A: Currently, the Terms and Conditions checkbox language is standard and cannot be edited.
Q: What if I'm using a Legacy Template?
A: If you are using our Legacy Template Builder, the Terms & Conditions toggle is located on the Checkout Design tab for your product.