
Automatically send order data to ShipStation with SamCart's Integration Engine.

This guide includes screenshots from a previous user interface and experience of the SamCart platform. For a tour through the new place to connect to other platforms, please reference this guide here: App Marketplace

SamCart's Integration Engine allows you to automatically send order data to ShipStation, freeing up time for you to focus on driving more traffic to your SamCart pages instead of manually exporting orders for fulfillment.

Below, we'll break down how to connect SamCart with ShipStation and how to create rules enabling you to automate the process.

Connecting SamCart With ShipStation

Start by clicking over to your Marketplace Settings and selecting Integrations from the left menu.

Here, under the Integration Setup tab, you'll see a list of all your active integrations that are connected via the Integration Engine. To add a new ShipStation integration, click the New Integration button:

Clicking New Integration will prompt a box to appear which will walk you through the steps required to complete the integration. Select ShipStation (1) and click Next Step (2): 

Next, you will need to Configure the Integration

1. Name the integration with an internal name. It can be anything you choose!

2. The API Key will need to be generated within the ShipStation dashboard. 

3. The API Secret will need to be generated within the ShipStation dashboard. 

4. Store ID (optional) can be entered if you have multiple stores in one ShipStation Account. It may be necessary to reach out to ShipStation in order to receive the Store ID from them.

5. After entering the information into the fields, press the Save Integration button to complete the configuration.

The API Key and Secret can be found inside the ShipStation dashboard. Go to Account Settings (1) and choose API Settings (2) and then press the green Generate New API Keys button (3). 

After you generate the API Keys, they will appear on the screen like this: 

Once ShipStation is successfully integrated, it will appear in the Integration Setup tab. 

Adding Shipping Fields to your Checkout Form

For the ShipStation integration to work, you have to add Shipping Address fields to the checkout page

To add Shipping Fields, first launch the drag and drop Content Builder. Select the Settings tab from the right menu and then choose Checkout Form. Add a checkmark to the Shipping Address field to add it to the product page, and then Publish to make those adjustments Live

Repeat this step on all checkout pages that you are using the ShipStation integration for. 

Now we're ready to create some Integration Rules! Below, we'll go over the two types of Integration Rules in SamCart.  

Creating Integration Rules at the Product Level

Now that SamCart is connected to ShipStation, you'll need to establish simple rules that tell the Integration Engine what to do when certain actions take place in your SamCart Marketplace. 

Head over to your Product and click into the Integrations tab (1), then click New Rule (2). 

First, you’ll need to decide what action you want to perform on your integration. An action is the functionality available in an Integration you are connected to. In the Integration dropdown, select your connected Integration you'd like to set up a rule for. Then select the Integration-specific Action. 

Once you have your Integration and Action selected, click on Next Step.

Next, you’ll need to select a trigger. A trigger is the event inside of your SamCart Marketplace that tells the Integration Engine it’s time to make something happen in a connected application. 

In the first dropdown on the second step, you will want to select either eCommerce or CourseseCommerce rules will apply to actions on your product pages, while Courses triggers will be anything related to the Courses app. The available triggers in the dropdown will be specific to the selected integration. In this example, we’ll use the Product Purchased trigger as it’s the most common. 

Select Product Purchased from the drop-down menu and click Next Step:

NOTE: Each application has different Actions available. The following are available on the ShipStation Integration

  • Order Completed - fires after a customer completes the funnel, upsells included.
  • Product Purchase -  fires when a product is purchased as a primary product, upsell, order bump, or payment option.
  • Subscription Charged - fires each time your customer completes a successful recurring charge.

Order Completed will send over the entire order including order bumps and upsells whereas the Product Purchased one will only send over order information for the product it is connected to. For this example, we will use Order Completed. 

Select Order Completed from the drop-down menu and click Next Step

In the following window, we'll establish the specific action which is to create an order inside ShipStation. Select the desired Integration in the first drop-down menu. Your integrations will be sorted using the internal label you chose when you connected the application. Next, choose the Action as Create Order

The final screen will prompt you to add a tag. A tag is not required to set up an integration rule, but for this example, we are adding a tag that was generated inside the ShipStation dashboard. Press Submit to finalize the rule.

And we're done! 

Now, anyone who purchases this Product and any of the connected order bump or upsells will have an order created inside ShipStation. The order will also be tagged with the SamCart Order tag. 

Creating Integration Rules at the Global Level

Global Rules aren't too different from Product-Level Integration Rules, except for the fact that they're triggered by every Product in your Marketplace. Setting up an Order Completed rule at the Global Level will create an order inside ShipStation for any order placed on a SamCart checkout page inside your Marketplace.

To create a Global Rule in SamCart, head back to your Marketplace's Integration Settings.

Here, click on the Global Rules tab (1) and select New Rule (2): 

Once you've done that, the steps to creating a Global Rule are identical to that of a Product-Level Integration Rule. Reference the "Creating Integration Rules at the Product Level" section above for a detailed breakdown on how to proceed. 

After your Global Rule is created, it will appear under the Global Rules tab: 

Testing your Integration

After connecting ShipStation and creating integration rules, run a quick order while in Test Mode to confirm the integration is passing over order information. If you need help troubleshooting any issues with the ShipStation integration, please reach out to support!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What SamCart order data is sent to Shipstation?

A: The following data is sent to ShipStation:

  • Customer Full Name
  • Customer Email Address
  • Customer Shipping Address
  • Order Date
  • SamCart Order ID
  • Product Name
  • Total Paid
  • Tag (if added)

Q: My integration seems to be functioning properly, but a customer wasn't added seemingly at random. What happened? 

A: If an integration rule fails to fire, there's always a reason. The Integration Engine keeps a record of the last 1,000 integration events that took place in your Marketplace, and they can be viewed by heading to Marketplace Settings > Integrations > Logs.

Here, you can search for the event in question and check if anything went wrong. 99% of the time the Logs can provide insight into exactly what might've gone wrong with that action.

Q: When creating a rule, I do not see my tag or list. What do I do?

A: This is due to integrations only showing some of your tags to help it load faster! If you start typing in the name of the tag/list then it'll appear. If you are still not seeing your tags/lists, you might need to “Refresh” the connection to your integration. 

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