
Easily keep track of your inventory and manage how many units of your product are available for purchase for your customers!

Inventory management is now available directly within SamCart! Using our new inventory feature, you have the ability to keep track of the quantity of products you have in stock and how many have been purchased. All you have to do is enable a few settings on your product!

Turning on Inventory Tracking at the Product Level

The first step for tracking product inventory is turning this setting on within the product. To do this, head over to your Products page and click on the product you'd like to add to inventory tracking. On the Product Settings Details tab, scroll down to the Inventory section. Turn on the Track Inventory? toggle in order to turn on inventory tracking for that product.

Once inventory tracking is turned on for a product, you will see several settings for inventory management.

Product Quantity is where you will enter the total quantity of the product that you have in stock. You will also see how many units of a product you have sold. This Product Quantity will adjust dynamically as you make sales to accurately reflect how many units of a product you have at any given time. For example, if you turn on inventory tracking and enter "10" in the Product Quantity, then sell one unit - the Product Quantity would adjust to "9" and the All Time Sold would adjust to "1." 

Out of Stock Settings allow you to determine the experience your customers have when your Product Quantity reaches zero. You have 3 options to choose from: 

  1. Restrict Selling - This option will ensure that customers cannot check out on your checkout page once the quantity reaches zero. The checkout page will display, but the purchase button will say "Out of Stock" and customers will be unable to make a purchase. "Out of Stock" is the default message on the purchase button, but you can customize it to say something else if you'd like!
  2. Continue Selling - This option will allow customers to continue purchasing even after the quantity has reached zero. When this option is selected, if the units sold go over the Product Quantity the number will show a negative amount of units. For example, if you have the Product Quantity at "5" but you sell 10 units, the Product Quantity would read "-5".
  3. Redirect to a URL - This option allows you to automatically redirect your customers to a completely different page once your product has sold out. If this option is selected then when the product quantity reaches zero, customers that try to visit the checkout page for that product will instead be automatically redirected to the URL that you enter for this setting.

Once you have made changes to the inventory settings, always remember to click the Save Changes button in the top right corner of the screen!

You may also notice that there is a small Manage Global Inventory link to the right of the inventory settings (in the top right corner of the screenshot above). This button will take you to the Global Inventory Page where you can view and manage product inventory for all products at a glance! Once the inventory feature is turned on at the product level, it is automatically added to the Inventory Page. Read on to learn more!

Managing Inventory for All Products

You can access the Global Inventory Page by clicking the Manage Global Inventory button on the top right of the Inventory settings at the product level. However, you can also access this page more directly by clicking on the Settings tab on the main left-hand navigation bar within your marketplace. This will take you to the General Marketplace Settings, where you can click the Inventory tab at the bottom left and access the Global Inventory Page.

Here you can adjust inventory directly for any product with Inventory Tracking enabled! When you adjust the inventory for a product on this Inventory page, it will automatically adjust in the Product Quantity at the product level as well. You will be able to see the product name, SKU, number of units sold, and number of units currently available.

Note: If you have the Continue Selling after a product is out of stock option enabled, you will see how many units you have oversold here as well: 

Importing and Exporting Inventory

On the Global Inventory Page, you will see buttons that allow you to Import and Export inventory.

Clicking the Export button will simply export a list of your current inventory. When you click the Export button you will automatically download an inventory report CSV file that will include the Product IDs, SKU, and then Current Stock Amount for that Product ID.

The Import button will allow you to import a list of inventory into your SamCart Inventory Tracking. Clicking the Import button will show this pop-up:

Here you can directly upload a CSV file to update inventory quantities for your SamCart products all at once, rather than doing it one by one! To start an inventory import, click on the Download Sample CSV button on the pop-up screen. This will give you a template to work from so we can make sure that the import is successful! The CSV that you upload when importing must match the exact format of the sample CSV. 

Once you have the sample CSV downloaded, you can keep the column titles (product_id, sku, and current_stock) and delete the existing information underneath these columns. Here is a breakdown of what information should go in each column: 

  • product_id - Here you will want to put the SamCart product IDs for the products you would like to update inventory for. The easiest way to locate the Product ID for a product is to click on the product within SamCart, and locate the Product ID within the URL of the product editing page: 
  • sku - Here you can put any SKU codes for your products, if you have them. This field is optional and can be left blank, but the column should remain on the CSV for uploading. 
  • current_stock - This is where you enter the number of available units for each product. This number will appear in the Currently Available section for the products on the Global Inventory Page, and in the Product Quantity section on each product's level inventory settings.

Now you can easily input your own Product ID, SKU, and Product Quantity information into these columns, and your CSV will be ready to upload!

Note: The Track Inventory toggle must be turned on at the product level for all Product IDs in the CSV prior to an Inventory Import. If there is a Product ID on the CSV file that does not have Inventory Tracking enabled, you will see an error similar to the one below:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is inventory tracking available for physical and digital products? 

A: Yes, you can track and manage inventory for both digital and physical products with this feature.

Q: If I have quantity settings on my checkout page, will the inventory feature track one person buying multiple units?

A: Yes! If you are using the quantity feature on your checkout pages, our inventory feature will adjust based on how many units each customer actually buys.

Q: Will the Inventory feature track purchases that occur across all checkout experiences within SamCart (Express Checkout, Embedded Checkouts, and Sales Pages)? 

A: Yes, our inventory feature will account for purchases made through any of our checkout experiences!

Q: Will an order placed in Test Mode affect inventory for the product?

A: No, any orders made in Test Mode will not affect the inventory for your product. Only Live orders will affect inventory. 

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