Track your most recent charges, where the charges originated, and what you're scheduled to collect, all with SamCart's Charges Report.
SamCart's Charges Report is a snapshot of all the latest transactions in your Marketplace. If you're looking for a stream of all your recent charges, just recurring charges, just one time charges, failed charges, or upcoming subscription charges, this report has it!
Navigate to Orders > Charges.
There's quite a lot of information here, so let's break each section down!
The first section of the Charges report itemizes all of your most recent charges in chronological order. By default the Charges report will show all charges from the last 30 days. Use the date range picker to see your charges from a specific time period. Use the date range picker to see your Charges from a specific time period.
You can sort the Charge report information by Order ID, Customer, Status, Product Mode, Order Date, # Items, Coupon, and Order Total.
You can even add or remove columns to fit your business needs or to simplify it to see only what you need to see. Just click on the Columns icon near the right side of the Charges page. You will then see a list of the Column Visibility. The Order ID is the only one that cannot be toggled off. All of the others can be removed or added at your discretion.
You can also use Filters! This will allow you to Filter your Charges Report by Columns, Operator or Value. You can even add your own new Filter. Add as many as you'd like. Just click on the Filters icon to use this feature.
Failed Charges
To find your Failed Charges report - you will need to click on the Failed Charges tab.
The Failed Charges report puts all of your failed/declined subscription charges in one place.
This report automatically lists each failed charge from the past 30 days. Use the date range picker to see your Failed Charges from a specific time period.
You can sort the table by different columns such as Failure Date, Customer Name, Product, Charge Source, Error Message, and Charge Total.
All of these columns should be pretty straightforward, but let's briefly look at the Error Message:
Anytime there is a declined charge, the payment processor (Stripe/PayPal) sends back an error message. SamCart displays that error message for you to see in this report.
If you'd like to learn more about why charges get declined, and get our best recommendations on saving a declined charge, visit the Declined Charges article.
Exporting Your Charges
If you are looking for more information about your Charges, like affiliate information, you can find that in the Charges Report Export. You can export the Successful and Failed Charges reports by clicking on the Export button near the right of the screen.
In the popup window, choose if you would like this to be a One Time emailed report or a Scheduled emailed report. You will then select an Export Time Range, File Name, and an Email address to receive the export.
Click Export and check your email for a download link to your CSV file. The email may take a few minutes to hit your Inbox, depending on the size of the export.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I search through these reports for a specific customer?
A: Yes! Each table has a search box at the top-right. You can search using any criteria that is listed in the table.
Q: Why does my customer have multiple Failed Charges with the same Subscription ID number?
A: Once a customer's recurring charge fails, SamCart's Subscription Saver kicks into action to recover the failed charge. Subscription Saver follows a specific schedule and re-attempts the charge several times over a few weeks' time. Visit the Subscription Saver & Dunning article to learn more.
Q: Why do charges get declined?
A: A charge can be declined for a bunch of different reasons. Only your payment processor (aka Stripe, PayPal, etc.) can tell you more about why a customer's payment didn't charge correctly. To learn more about how to investigate a declined charge, visit the Declined Charges article!
Q: Do cancelled subscriptions show up on my Next Expected Charge For Subscriptions report?
A: Once a subscription is cancelled it will be removed from the list.