Creating Units and Lessons

Organizing and adding content to your courses just got easier with SamCart’s Courses App!

You can customize the units and lessons that are included in your courses, as well as organize the order that they will appear in for your students in the Courses App!

To begin creating your units and lessons you will want to navigate to the Units and Lessons tab inside your created course.

Creating and Editing Units

To create a unit, start by clicking on the Create New Unit button:

You will then be able to enter the title of the unit in the following field:

If you’d like to add a description for your Unit you can do so by clicking the Edit button:

On the Edit Unit page, you can give your unit a description as well as set your Unit to Draft or Published status.

Once you have edited your unit, make sure to click the Save button before navigating back to the Units and Lessons tab!

For your created Unit in the Unit and Lessons tab, you can choose to assign a unit to a specific tab by clicking in the Assign a Tier dropdown. 

For more information on assigning units to tiers check out our Selling Your Course article!

There is no limit to how many units you can create on your course! To add another unit just click on the Create New Unit button and repeat the above steps!

If you’d like to rearrange your lessons or units after creating them you can easily do so by dragging and dropping the unit or lesson block into the desired order! Drag a block by the gray bar on its left side:

Creating Lessons

After creating your Unit you can then add lessons! Lessons will include the bulk of your course content.

To add a lesson, you can either click on the Add New Lesson or Import Existing Lesson button.

The Add New Lesson button allows you to create a lesson from scratch! 

The Import Existing Lesson button would allow you to add a lesson that was previously created on a different course inside the SamCart Courses App. This gives you the option to import an already created lesson to your course without having to recreate it!

If you have not already created any lessons in the SamCart Courses App you will need to click on the Add New Lesson button.

After adding a new lesson, you can start by adding a lesson title. To begin adding lesson content click on the Edit button:

Adding Lesson Content

Inside the Edit Your Lesson page you can begin adding your course content!

By default, the Lesson Content Builder will have a text content block added. 

To add additional content blocks to your lesson, click on the  + Add Content button. You will have the option to add a Text, Image, Video, Audio, or Download content block:

By default the added content blocks will appear in the order they are added. To rearrange the Lesson Content Blocks, simply click and drag the content block to the desired location. Drag the block by the gray bar on the block's left side.

In the Lesson Thumbnail section you can choose to add either a video or image that you can then upload in the space below:

This image or video will appear as a full-width image or video at the top of the lesson.

Tip: If you would like to add a full-width video to your lesson, we recommend adding it as a featured video rather than adding it as a content block!

Make sure to click Save before leaving the Edit Your Lesson page! 

If you’d like to view how your lesson content will appear to your students, you can click on the View Lesson button:

To view your course with all the added units and lessons you can do so by clicking on the View Course button inside the Units and Lessons tab:

This will show how your course’s content will appear to your students!

Similar to units, there is no limit to how many lessons you can create on your course! To add another lesson just click on the Add New Lesson button and repeat the above steps!

If you’d like to rearrange your lessons after creating them you can easily do so by dragging and dropping the unit to the desired order.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I reorder my already created Units and Lessons?

A: Yes, you can easily rearrange the order of units and lessons inside your course. To do so, just click and hold near the outside of your unit/lesson and drag and drop to the desired order: 

Q: Are there any limitations when adding a file to be downloaded by my students?

A: Keep the file name short and no special characters in the file name to avoid issues.

Q: Why can't I see my download(s) on my course lesson?

A: The download button will not appear unless the download has a title.

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