Selling Your Course

Assign your courses to your created products all within SamCart!

Once you’ve created both your course and the SamCart product page that will sell that course, you’re ready to map your Course Tiers to their corresponding product!

Creating Additional Tiers (Optional)

To begin connecting your course to a product you’ll want to first set up any Tiers on your course.

Assigning a Tier to a unit/lesson is an optional setting that gives you the tools to grant different products access to different material in the same course. A tier is an access/subscription level in which your students can access different unit/lessons. Tiers let you separate your audience into multiple levels!

For example, you could have Basic and Premium Tiers, with the Full tier having full access to all course content and Basic only having access to the first unit. 

Students are assigned a tier based on the product that they purchase. 

By default, your course will automatically only have a Basic tier. 

Note: Your course must have at least one tier, so if you remove the default Basic tier, make sure to add another tier to replace it! 

To add additional tiers, you’ll want to navigate to the Unit & Lessons tab. Then in the Access Tiers section, you can click on the Add New Tier button to add another Tier: 

After creating the desired Tiers, in the "Control Access By..." dropdown, you can select to control tier access by either Unit or Lesson.

If the tier access is controlled by Unit you’ll see an Assign Tier dropdown by each Unit in your course:

If tier access is controlled by Lesson you’ll see an Assign Tier dropdown by each lesson in your course:

Once you have created all your course tiers, you can begin assigning your SamCart products to the tiers!

Assigning Products

It is important to note that you must create the products you’d like to connect to a tier in SamCart first. For more information on creating your products in SamCart visit our Create Your First Product Page Support article. After you have created your products inside SamCart and added your tiers to Course, follow these quick steps to assign products to your tiers!

  • Navigate to the Assign Products tab. Here you will assign products to the different tiers that will grant access to your courses.

    Note: By default, your Course will only have a Basic Tier. It is entirely optional to add additional tiers. If just using the basic tier you would only need to assign products to your single tier.
  • Click on the Assign Products button to bring up a pop up of all your available SamCart products.
  • In the “Assign Product to Tier” pop up, select the SamCart product(s) that will include access to this tier and click the Add button.

    You can have multiple products associated with your course tier!
  • Once you’ve added all the correct products to the tier, click Save.
  • You can then repeat these steps on any additional tier!

You’ve now successfully assigned your SamCart products to your Courses! 

Once you’ve added a product to a tier, anyone who purchases that product will be granted access to every unit/lesson included in that tier (based upon any applied scheduling). 

After your customers check out on a product page associated with a Course, they will receive a SamCart email receipt as per usual, except now your students will find a link to register their student profile & login to their course directory. 

Optionally, you can set up an Order Redirect so right after purchase your customers are sent straight to their student registration. This will get them in your course library & watching your content immediately! 

Redirecting Your Customers Directly to Course Registration (Optional)

It is important to note that to set up an Order Redirect to your course library, you must first assign your products to tiers. If you haven’t assigned a product to a tier, the below Order Redirect settings will not be available.

To set up an Order Redirect to your Course Library you’ll want to follow these steps…

  • Navigate back to your product inside your SamCart marketplace.
  • On the product's Details tab, scroll down to Order Redirect section. In the Order Redirect Destination dropdown you will see a new option: Course Auto-Enroll
  • After selecting Course Auto-Enroll a new field will appear where you can customize the linked text that will appear in your customer’s SamCart email receipt (“Get Started Now” by default)

After making the desired changes make sure to click Save Changes inside your Product Details tab. Your customers will now see a course registration page after purchase instead of the Order Summary page or a Custom URL/Thank You Page!

Marketing Your Course Directory

To set up your Course Directory so that the Buy buttons will direct to your products associated with your courses you will need to navigate to the Public Details tab inside your Course:

In the Purchase Button field, you’ll want to enter the link to the SamCart checkout page where students can purchase this course. This URL must start with http:// or https://

The Buy button on your Course Library will now take your customers directly to your SamCart product page:

This will create a seamless way for your customers to view your course library, purchase your course, and then have access to your course material!

If you want to test out the purchasing flow of your course as a student would, you may run into some issues if you are using the same email address for testing that is your main login email. We do not suggest using your marketplace email for running test orders with products that have a course associated with them.

We recommend using either a completely seperate email address or you can add an additional identifier to make the email address unique. So for example if your main email address is ([email protected]), you can add yourself as a student during testing like ([email protected]). You will still get the system emails as expected and can test the experience of checkout and view the course as a student!

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