
Accept credit card payments by integrating with SamPay: SamCart’s new default payment processor!

Through SamPay, you will be able to gain access to all of SamCart’s upcoming financial products and features.

Follow the steps below to connect with SamPay and start accepting live credit card payments on your SamCart checkout pages.

Connect to SamPay 

You can connect to SamPay during your account setup, or anytime after your account has been created! When setting up a new SamCart account, you will be prompted to connect a payment processor with which you can begin accepting payments right away. Select SamPay:

Once selected, you will be prompted to begin the setup process. Please take a moment to provide some information about your business.

Within your marketplace settings (accessed by clicking the Settings tab in the left-hand navigation bar and then Processors), SamPay will appear as the active processor for new users who selected it during account creation:

You can also connect to SamPay at any time by clicking the + Add New button in the image above and following the instructions on screen to sign up for a SamPay account! When you click + Add New you will be prompted to set up SamPay (if your account is not new, you will see a list of other processors as well - just select SamPay to get started!). Click on the Set Up Now button.

This will take you to a page where you can get started on creating the Stripe account that will be connected to your SamPay account! Enter the email that you would like to use for this connected account, and follow the prompts on screen to create the Stripe account that will power your SamPay connection. After you complete the setup, you will see SamPay on your processors page within SamCart! 

Please note that if you have an existing Stripe account, you can use the same email while signing up for SamPay if you'd like! However, this will not turn your Stripe account into a SamPay account. You will have two Stripe accounts under the same email that you can easily toggle between by clicking the dropdown in the top left corner within Stripe: 

Moving from Stripe to SamPay

If you're moving to SamPay from an existing Stripe account, there are a few differences to be aware of.

1. Historical data will remain in your original Stripe account.

You can continue to use your existing login information when you move from Stripe to SamPay as long as you signed up for SamPay using the email associated with your original Stripe account. However, there will be a toggle within your Stripe dashboard that you click to move between your original Stripe account and your new SamPay account which is also powered by Stripe. Simply click on the account in the top left corner to move between your two accounts. You can see all historical data in your original account, and all new transactions and subscriptions since adding SamPay will show up in your new account.

2. There will be a "Managed by SamCart" banner at the bottom of each page in your new SamPay account.

If you are connected to more than one platform via Stripe (e.g. SamCart + Kajabi) and you move over to SamPay, then your new SamPay account will have a “Managed by SamCart” banner on the bottom left corner of all of your pages. This will make it easier for you to tell which account is your SamPay account if you already had an existing Stripe account that was connected to more than just SamCart.

3. Crucial extensions and webhooks will need to be reestablished.

If you are using any crucial extensions (e.g. Quickbooks, Zapier, etc.) with your original Stripe account, those will need to be set up again in your SamPay account. This can be done within the Stripe app Marketplace. This applies to any webhooks you have, too.

Important note: We recommend you do NOT move to SamPay from your original Stripe account if you use Stripe’s Capital product. This is because if you have a loan with Stripe, you are likely paying it back with every sale you make on your current account. Moving to SamPay will not allow you to keep paying back that loan to Stripe. If you are using another Stripe Product and are unsure if the move to SamPay will impact your product usage then reach out to [email protected] for more information.

Something else to be aware of is that if you manually migrate your account from Stripe to SamPay, the account will undergo the usual risk and review process again, meaning Stripe may hold your funds for a number of days. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are existing customers required to move to SamPay or can they maintain their current Stripe integration?

A: Migrating from Stripe to SamPay will not be required! However, we do recommend updating to SamPay in order to gain access to all of SamCart’s upcoming financial product and feature releases. 

Q: Will customers lose historic Stripe data by migrating from Stripe to SamPay?

A: No! Existing Stripe customers will notice no differences when migrating to SamPay. However, the historic Stripe data will exist in the original Stripe account, and a new Stripe account will be created for SamPay. 

Q: What are the limitations to where SamPay can be used?

A: SamPay will have the same parameters as Stripe - location restrictions can be checked at

Q: Will processing fees be the same for marketplace owners as they are on Stripe?

A: Yes! Processing fees will be the same as they currently are on Stripe. 

Q: If I cancel my SamCart account, will my subscriptions continue to charge?

A:  For Active recurring subscriptions - subscriptions will only stop if you or the customer cancel their subscription via your Marketplace before you cancel. If you do not cancel the customer's subscriptions, they will continue to bill normally even when the SamCart account is closed. After that, Stripe would manage the active recurring subscription. So they can be managed directly from your connected Stripe account moving forward.

For Active limited subscriptions, such as payment plans that will end after a set number of payments - these will be stopped immediately and will not continue to bill. This is due to the fact that they are directly managed by SamCart itself, not your connected processor(s).

For detailed information about managing your Stripe account, please see our separate knowledge base article on Stripe!

Q: What is the difference between Stripe and SamPay?

A: SamPay was created in conjunction with Stripe as a processor to use solely with SamCart. This specific SamCart and Stripe partnership brings you more tools and features to your Marketplace!

Q: What does “Powered by Stripe” or “Managed by Stripe” mean?

A: SamCart and Stripe teamed up to bring you an even stronger payment processor! This basically means that SamCart is using Stripe’s payment processor to offer you more tools and features that are exclusively available on the SamPay payment processor. 

Q: When do I get money deposited into my bank account? Where are my sales?

A: Important things to note:

  1. Stripe is responsible for depositing your sales into your bank account. Please check out Stripe's help for what they call "Payouts" for more information.
  2. Stripe will normally deposit your sales into your bank account every 2 days, with no "holds"! 
  3. (Optional) If you have multiple Stripe and/or SamPay accounts, make sure you are viewing the right dashboard! You can toggle between accounts using the drop-down menu in the upper left corner of your desktop screen.

Q: Is it possible to disconnect “SamCart” from my Stripe account when I close my SamCart account?

A: Yes, this can be done. You will, however, need to write into Support at [email protected] to request this!

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