This guide includes screenshots from a previous user interface and experience of the SamCart platform. For a tour through all of the exciting new updates to your marketplace and dashboard, please reference this guide here: Get To Know Your Marketplace
Customize the emails your customers receive with order receipts, refund notifications, subscription cancellations, and more.
Your SamCart Marketplace automatically sends emails to your customers whenever the following events happen:
- A new order is placed
- A charge is refunded
- A subscription is cancelled
- A subscription charge is refunded
- A subscription payment fails
- A new affiliate is approved
- A new affiliate is declined
You can customize the subject line and body text of these emails from your Marketplace Settings. Here's how you get there:
- Navigate to your General Marketplace Settings.
- Click on the Emails tab at the top to view your Marketplace Email Settings.
Customize Your Marketplace Emails
You can customize the Subject and Body for all of your automated SamCart emails. To do so, click the "Edit" box next to the email you wish to personalize.
In the window that pops up, type in your email's subject line in the Subject field. Type the body text of the email in the Body field.
SamCart's emails will automatically pull your Marketplace's Dark Logo (which can be uploaded in your Marketplace Settings) as well as information about your customer and the relevant order information.
The only emails you cannot update from your Marketplace Settings are the emails sent from Subscription Saver. Subscription Saver controls the emails SamCart sends when a subscriber's payment fails, and SamCart works to collect that failed payment with multiple emails over the course of 15-16 days. To edit those emails, please see the Subscription Saver help article.
Email Short Codes
If you'd like to personalize your emails using information from the customer's order, include the short codes below in the body or subject lines of your emails. The following short codes work in any of your Marketplace Emails...
- First Name: ##first_name##
- Last Name: ##last_name##
- Full Name: ##customer_name##
- Email Address: ##email##
- Phone Number: ##phone_number##
- Product Name: ##product_name##
- Thank You Page: ##thank_you_page##
- Order ID: ##order_id##
- Date of Purchase: ##date_of_purchase##
- Time of Purchase: ##time_of_purchase##
The following short codes also work for Order Receipts and Gift Receipts...
- Order Total: ##total##
- Shipping Postal Code: ##shipping_postal_code##
- Shipping Country: ##shipping_country##
- Billing Postal Code: ##biling_postal_code##
- Billing Country: ##billing_country##
The following short code works for emails related to refunds...
- Total Refund Amount: ##total_refund_amount##
The following short codes work for emails related to subscriptions...
- Subscription Amount: ##subscription_amount##
- Subscription Price: ##subscription_price##
- Subscription Total (includes taxes): ##subscription_total##
Send Test Emails
Use the Send Test Email buttons to send yourself a preview of any Marketplace Email. After clicking, SamCart will send an example email to the email on your SamCart account.
The email will contain your Subject Line, Body text, and example data. Please note that test emails will not populate any short codes you use with real customer data. To test short codes, please place a Test Order for one of your products.
Here's an example of a test email for an Order Receipt:
Customize Your Email Footer
Customize the Footer of every email your marketplace sends out by clicking the Edit button next to Email Footer. Customize your Email Footer in the popup window provided, and click Save.
This Footer area will be included at the bottom of every email your customers receive from your SamCart Marketplace. This is typically used for your business contact address.
Enable Subscription Charge Receipts
This On/Off toggle decides whether your customers will receive email receipts when a subscription charge occurs.
While all customers will receive receipts when a new order is placed, you can decide whether your customers also receive receipts when a subscription charge is made.
- Select On to have your customers receive an email receipt each time a subscription charge bills them.
- Select Off to disable subscription charge receipts.
This feature effects every product in your SamCart Marketplace. Turning this feature on means all of your subscription products will send receipts.
Enable Self-Cancellation Links
Turn this feature On and every Subscription Charge Receipt your customers receive will also contain a link where a customer can see and manage their own subscription.
To learn more about this feature, visit the Subscription Self-Cancellation Help Article.
This can also be achieved using the Customer Hub.
Enable Affiliate Sale Notification
Turn this feature On to send an email to your Affiliates anytime an order is placed under their Affiliate Token. The email your Affiliate receives will contain some basic information about the order, and their commission earned on the sale.
To learn more about how the SamCart Affiliate Center, check out the full Help Article here.
Send Email Ahead Of Subscription Charge
Turn this feature On to send a Subscription Charge Reminder to your customers before they are billed for their subscription. After toggling On, you will be able to select how many days before the subscription charge you'd like to email the customer.
NOTE: This feature is only available for Grow and Scale customers.
Reply-To Email
Customers normally receive automated emails such as order receipts from, which does not allow them to reply directly. If you enter an email address here, customer replies to otherwise no-reply emails will go to the saved address, facilitating direct support communication.
Keep in mind, this is unrelated to the listed Support Contact email setting located in General Marketplace Settings.
Customize Emails at the Product Level
Emails customized in your General Marketplace Settings will be the default for all your SamCart products. If you would like a product's emails to be more specific, you can customize the automated emails at the product level.
NOTE: This feature is only available for Grow and Scale customers.
Here's how:
- Select your product (or create a new one!) and navigate to the Emails tab:
- Toggle Customize product emails (1) to 'On.' Please note that when first toggled on, the product-level emails will pull in the content from your customized Marketplace emails.
- Edit (2) the Order Receipt, Refund Order, and Update Payment Info emails by following the instructions outlined in the Customize Your Marketplace Emails section above.
- Use the Send Test Email (3) buttons to send yourself a preview of a product email.
For one-time payment products, you will have the option to customize the Order Receipt, Refund Order, and Update Payment Info emails. For subscription products, you can customize additional subscription emails such as Cancel Subscription, Refund Subscription, and Update Payment Info.