Accessing the Traffic Bundle

We’re happy to hear that you've purchased our CreatorU with Traffic Bundle!

For context, your recent purchase gave you the ability to access this content as courses within CreatorU, but please note that these will not be emailed to you. You can access these PDFs and videos in every course you have access to in CreatorU, our learning platform with dozens of courses from top sellers. 

Once you've clicked into a course, if there are PDFs included, they will be available to download via Download buttons as pictured here: 

These can also be found under Course (or Unit) Downloads

The highlighted courses from your recent purchase can be found under the following course names:

  • TikTok Growth Blueprint
  • Instagram Insider
  • YouTube Traffic with Rocky Ullah
  • Traffic Tactics Masterclass
  • Podcast Launch Formula
  • Organic Traffic With Kimberly Jimenez
  • Leverage Your Content with James Wedmore
  • The Challenge Launch Blueprint with Christine Miller
  • How to Scale with Mike Dillard
  • Winning Mindset with Jesse Elder

As always, if you have any further questions about your purchase, please contact our support team: [email protected]  

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