In this article, you'll learn about your Account Page and the functionalities that currently exist on this page. Below is a list of all available options:
*Please note on Mobile, the account options are listed under the "hamburger" icon in the top right corner.
Changing Your Password
Within your CreatorU account, in the bottom left corner, select Account.
Next, find Profile and select Update Password.
In the resulting window, you will see three fields: Current Password, New Password and Confirm Password. The only requirement for passwords is that they be at least 8 characters in length.
For this step, you must know your current password in order to update it. If you’re unsure what your current password is, please reach out to our support team via email: [email protected]
Updating Your Payment Method
You have the ability to update your card on file yourself right within CreatorU!
Within your CreatorU account, click the account icon in the top right corner and select Account.
Under Payment Details, you’ll see an option to Update Payment.
From here, you’ll be able to enter your new card details.
If you signed up using PayPal, selecting Update Payment will direct you to PayPal.
If you’re wanting to move away from PayPal and use a card directly, please reach out to support at [email protected] with the subject line: CreatorU Change PayPal to Credit Card